Last week NEW ladies
I have to say it is the best site I have come across. I feel you tell the honest truth when it comes to marriage between a Russian lady and a western gentleman. I know a few sites that don't tell the whole truth. some of the claims they made are really out there. For example 1 site has a add on there that reads as follows. YOU'RE 60, SHE'S 20, IS THAT A PROBLEM, NOT TO HER IT WON'T BE. I think that men at that age should really look long and hard into why they think an age difference of 30-40 years would work.
I am currently engaged to a wonderful woman from Kyrgyzstan and have to applaud you on your explanation on what they have to offer along with what they are looking for in a relationship.
I too have studied Philosophy, and it has given me allot of depth when dealing with our relationship, along with the ability to understand their way of culture and the way they think.
I can only give you a brief description on it and attest to their ability to look at life like no other Westernized Women, At first she was very defensive with her feelings and did not want to discuss "LOVE" I did not understand this at first, since we talk about it all the time. (Americans) I will never forget her first email, and the words she used to describe her feelings, "You are a wonderful man, very polite, romantic and thoughtful. I love your soul". This took me by surprise, ( I love your soul) part. We never think like this, and this confused me at first. I found it flattering and interesting as well, as only one should. I later ask her to explain the meaning of it, and with the explanation came a whole new way of looking at love, feelings and their inner self when it comes to the thinking process of true love and commitment. I had to understand so much more than just our simple way of courting if you will. It took her 2 months to really trust me and open up with her feelings. I am a very patient man and have come to realize the benefit if this as well over time. The most rewarding aspect of this all is when she finally did open up and "let me in". I have never felt so much, nor been treated so well before in a relationship when it comes to ours. (and I was married for 12 years to a "Southern Girl"). The ability to share everything and want to is incredible. The loyalty, honesty and faithfulness is beyond approach. I just wanted you to know that reading your information on your site explained so much more to me. Good work and keep it up.
She has such wonderful characteristics and a incredible look on life. I look forward to a wonderful life with her for many years to come.
Sincerely Hugh (USA)
PS: Plus the Roses do help!

Founded in 1589, Volgograd, located on the bank of the lower Volga, is one of the largest cities in Russia, with a population of over 1 million people. Stretching in excess of 80 Kilometers, the city is interwoven with approximately 50 different rivers, most of them found in the basin of the Don. The climate is sharply continental.
Volgograd, formally known as Stalingrad, is rich in history and culture. It was founded in the 16th century and served as a fortress guarding the trade route along the Volga river. The Volga has always been of tremendous importance for Russia as an international, as well as domestic, trade route. The city grew rapidly under Soviet control. Numerous factories were destroyed during the Civil War and were later restored, which significantly increased their production. Volgograd was one of the leading industrial centers in the Soviet Union prior to the start of the Great Patriotic War. This beautiful and productive city was virtually destroyed during the war. One of the greatest battles of the Second World War, the Battle of Stalingrad, was fought in the Don and Volga Steppes. It lasted over six months and involved more than two million men, over 2000 tanks, and 26,000 guns and mortars, as well as over 2000 planes. The Germans had already occupied many Soviet Territories, thus the city of Stalingrad was pivotal as to the outcome of the war. "Fight to the Death, Not one step back!" were the main orders.
Today Volgograd is a very modern city, boasting many monuments honoring the history of this great city. You will also find many restaurants, museums, parks, and contemporary entertainment. The Central Embankment is a favorite gathering place.
During your stay you must visit the Fallen Heroes' Square, in the center of the city. Here you will find the Eternal Flame, honoring all those who gave their lives for this beautiful city.
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