I have been looking for a number of years without much success until found your site through a search engine. I read your pages and felt it genuine , I decided to take the Starter Package. Being an Aussie, $50 U.S. is a lot of money but I thought? Worth a try. By the third day of payment I knew you had placed my ad, I logged on there were 15 letters waiting for me. I started to read them and look at the photos , (ALL had Photos) and still they were coming through. By the end of the night , 4 am I had 40 letters. The next day I logged on to my Email and another 60, I have 100 addresses. By day 3 I have 150 and still they come. I think it is day 6, and now I am getting about 6-7 a day, it's incredible. I have read them all in detail and am amazed at how intelligent and worldly wise these women are. Their education levels are astounding and their photos stunning. Thank you very much for your genuine site.
Wayne (Australia)
I recommend your web site to anyone looking to meet a Lady from Russia. If they can't meet a Russian Lady through your service they haven't tried.
Tired of the old-fashioned style date? Try this for romance!!
Video Release Date: May 20th, 2013 Episode Duration: 10:21 Format: HD
Planning a unique date can be difficult. It is always good to step outside the box of boring and embark on a date that is different, fun and memorable. How about an Island Hopping date? You might want to experience our crystal clear and tempting beaches in Cebu, Philippines. It's a day tour island experience with our tour clients of last January accompanied by their beautiful dates. Explore with us the Islets off Mactan channel where you can swim and be amazed with the colorful tropical fishe and coral. Enjoy a sumptuous picnic lunch along the seashore with your special Philippine woman. Cebu has got it ALL right here for you to have and enjoy! Your REAL reason to wait is ...?
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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