I thought I would take a minute to just thank you for the information you have posted on your Web-site. I used a lot of the information before I traveled to Uzbekistan. My wife has the same name as you. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. She still hasn't made it to the United States yet, but I hope soon. We got married in Tashkent, her home town, on March 7th of this Year. I have no doubt that it is for Life. So again, Thanks for the Honest and Truthful information that is Free on your site.
Barry (USA)
I have reviewed your website extensively, and must apologize that there are not enough words for me to fully express my appreciation, and respect. Instead, I will employ your services, hoping that this endorsement will one day be a credit to your work.
Pool Party!! Part of Your Philippine Tour Experience! - Part II
A special afternoon during your tour of fun and filled with budding LOVE.
Video Release Date: Apr. 22nd, 2013 Episode Duration: 10:17 Format: HD
One of the most anticipated parts of the Cebu Socials is the pool party. Attire is simple; kick back in flip-flops and swimsuits. There's no better way to combine cooling off and having fun with your dates and friends at the pool. It's very entertaining to perceive these sexy Philippine girls as you dive-in and enjoying the cool water and heat of the sun with our January tour clients. Stop worrying about what to do and who to be with because our special Filipino women from Cebu are here with open arms ready to meet you. All you have to do is to be here and experience this amazing adventure. The most important thing is that YOU are in attendance! You should be absolutely certain to join our next tour this coming August 2013 and be the next man to realize his dreams by meeting the one incredible Philippine woman meant for him.
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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