Your site definitely works. I have about 500 opportunities to find what I'm looking for - so many letters I have received for 1 month! That doesn't guarantee success. But it gives me a much better chance than I have ever had in the past. I decided to meet one girl in Moscow, so please remove my ad as I want to give it the highest possibility of success.
John (USA)
I am a business consultant and designed/wrote our company's web site. Quite honestly I have found your web site to be one of the most detailed, obviously sincere, and worthwhile web sites I have yet to see. Certainly it must be a God-send for men searching for romance and a Russian Bride.
I traveled Russia (Moscow, Kiev, Novosibirsk) in 1990. The learnings about the Russian people are reflected on your web site. The memories of how warm the Russian people are with regard to Americans still leave me smiling...
Special Feature Presentation: "Chris & Bebs" - A step by step process in falling in love
Video Release Date: Jan. 7th, 2013 Episode Duration: 14:21 Format: HD
Here's how a budding romance develops and successfully blooms into something we all have been dreaming of; tying the knot with the one we love. Today we present to you the newlyweds: Mr & Mrs Chris Kiser. We have been blessed to be a part to their love story, from the very beginning until the day they decided to become one. Let us show you how this could possibly happen to you just as long as you stay with the process with patience and genuine intentions.
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