Your site is refreshing and entertaining and most of all valuable in that it's one of the few written from the Russian woman's experience and point of view. I appreciate your honesty. I am bookmarking your site for possible future use. Thank you for your candor and thoughtfulness.
Gerry S., USA
Dear Elena Petrova, I wanted to compliment you on your very fine web site site! I happened to come across your site, because I received an unexpected response to my personals advertisement on the web from a Russian lady, and decided to try to find out more about Russian women and meeting them through the Internet. I must say, that in all of the sites I visited for information about this subject, yours is by far the most well written, informative and helpful. You have covered every important topic that I wanted to know about, and provided very interesting information about other topics I had not even thought of! As the owner of a small company myself, I think it is wonderful that you are able to provide such value to your customers, and (hopefully :-) still make a decent business for yourself in such a fine, ethical manner. The service and information you offer is truly valuable, and I hope that your business, like your marriage, will be richly blessed.
How we turn a cold rainy day into a hot Christmas party?
Video Release Date: Dec. 10th, 2012 Episode Duration: 12:14 Format: HD
The color red does not only stand for hearts and romantic flowers, but it is also widely used as the Christmas color that reminds us how merry everyone's spirits should be. Talking about the color, let us present to you how well these beautiful Philippine women wear the color red. Even though this is a Christmas episode, I am sure that your eyes and pupils will take the shape of a heart with what you are about to see. Sit back, relax and enjoy the view! A Merry little Christmas from Davao City!
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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