Dear Elena Petrova, I wanted to compliment you on your very fine web site site! I happened to come across your site, because I received an unexpected response to my personals advertisement on the web from a Russian lady, and decided to try to find out more about Russian women and meeting them through the Internet. I must say, that in all of the sites I visited for information about this subject, yours is by far the most well written, informative and helpful. You have covered every important topic that I wanted to know about, and provided very interesting information about other topics I had not even thought of! As the owner of a small company myself, I think it is wonderful that you are able to provide such value to your customers, and (hopefully :-) still make a decent business for yourself in such a fine, ethical manner. The service and information you offer is truly valuable, and I hope that your business, like your marriage, will be richly blessed.
Donald C. (USA)
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your site. Most of it is common sense, but it is always nice to be reminded of reality.
Astonishing "Summer Splash and Wave" Fun in Davao Part 1
It's fun in the Davao Sun! Are you ready for another fantastic summer experience?
Video Release Date: May 28th, 2012 Episode Duration: 9:14 Format: HD
Enjoy entertaining new faces of beautiful Philippine women playing and splashing in one of Davao's exciting wave pools. With 5 stunning ,Davao women looking for a special man in marriage – they are definitely contrasting as to what they are really looking for in a man. These women are looking for a genuine, serious and forever loving man in their life! The ladies are in the resort commonly called D' Leonor Inland Resort and Adventure Park. Obviously it's only the wave pool and the warm smiles of the ladies that you can see. The rest of their personalities and adventurous ways will only be seen in our next episode. Another love in the air will only blossom if you choose to start it! The choice is always yours. Take advantage of the opportunity and let YOUR love story begin in the Philippines!
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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Contact The Beautiful Women Featured In This Episode!
The beautiful Philippine women featured in this weeks video episode are REAL and actively seeking their lifemate. They want to hear from you! After you watch the video you can find out more about each one of them below by clicking on their picture, viewing their profile and then contacting them. In the end, however, you know and they know that you have to plan to go ACTUALLY MEET THEM before you can ever marry that special woman for you. So set your goals and MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW (you can determine your departure date and destination later with a $475 "Open" reservation that provides $800 of instant value). It is no coincidence that your romantic efforts become much more effective when you know - AND the women know - that you are actually committed to meeting them at some time in the near future.