Thank you for an informative and honest site. It's a great relief to finally get some straight information and answers on the topic of Russian-American courtship. Keep up the good work!
Mark, USA
Your site is refreshing and entertaining and most of all valuable in that it's one of the few written from the Russian woman's experience and point of view. I appreciate your honesty. I am bookmarking your site for possible future use. Thank you for your candor and thoughtfulness.
Christmas Special: "Pasko Fiesta sa Davao" Philippines
How They Spend Christmas and their Bundles of Christmas "Wish List"
Video Release Date: December 26th, 2011 Episode Duration: 10:30 Format: HD
Get excited about this video as we bring you for the first time nine (9) beautiful Philippine ladies from Davao, showing their radiant smiles, sharing their personal stories about their joys at Christmas. Hear them speak with their genuine feelings and emotions, their family traditions and all they do on Christmas Eve. See them chill and enjoy the little get-together party dinner, the simple joys that Christmas brings and their simple wishes to have YOU come and share their special moments together with their families!!. Watch our Filipino ingenuity, creativity and artistic skills, the prolific display of the different lighted Christmas trees, the array of colorful Christmas Stars called "Parol" that brings business to small-time street vendors during the season. All of this is featured in this Episode, along with the beautiful women, as we celebrate CHRISTMAS DAY! You won't want to miss this incredible video episode. Come to this destination of a lifetime - where thousands of women are waiting for YOU!
Scroll down below the video screen to find out much more about the women featured in this video.
Don't forget, EVERY MONDAY you get to meet between 5 and 15 lovely new women with a new episode of "Philippine Weekly" - ONLY HERE! It just keeps getting better and better!
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Contact The Beautiful Women Featured In This Episode!
The beautiful Philippine women featured in this weeks video episode are REAL and actively seeking their lifemate. They want to hear from you! After you watch the video you can find out more about each one of them below by clicking on their picture, viewing their profile and then contacting them. In the end, however, you know and they know that you have to plan to go ACTUALLY MEET THEM before you can ever marry that special woman for you. So set your goals and MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW (you can determine your departure date and destination later with a $475 "Open" reservation that provides $800 of instant value). It is no coincidence that your romantic efforts become much more effective when you know - AND the women know - that you are actually committed to meeting them at some time in the near future.