I have been looking for a number of years without much success until found your site through a search engine. I read your pages and felt it genuine , I decided to take the Starter Package. Being an Aussie, $50 U.S. is a lot of money but I thought? Worth a try. By the third day of payment I knew you had placed my ad, I logged on there were 15 letters waiting for me. I started to read them and look at the photos , (ALL had Photos) and still they were coming through. By the end of the night , 4 am I had 40 letters. The next day I logged on to my Email and another 60, I have 100 addresses. By day 3 I have 150 and still they come. I think it is day 6, and now I am getting about 6-7 a day, it's incredible. I have read them all in detail and am amazed at how intelligent and worldly wise these women are. Their education levels are astounding and their photos stunning. Thank you very much for your genuine site.
Wayne (Australia)
I have a couple Russian friends and a few more acquaintances, but no one has been able to give me the clarity about Russian women that I've gotten from your Internet site. You've been able to very succinctly illuminate the women of your homeland in a way that makes them wonderfully human. I can't thank you enough. In future I'll be much more aware of the complex and interesting nature of these remarkable women.
M. K., USA