I have a couple Russian friends and a few more acquaintances, but no one has been able to give me the clarity about Russian women that I've gotten from your Internet site. You've been able to very succinctly illuminate the women of your homeland in a way that makes them wonderfully human. I can't thank you enough. In future I'll be much more aware of the complex and interesting nature of these remarkable women.
M. K., USA
I have to say it is the best site I have come across. I feel you tell the honest truth when it comes to marriage between a Russian lady and a western gentleman. I know a few sites that don't tell the whole truth. some of the claims they made are really out there. For example 1 site has a add on there that reads as follows. YOU'RE 60, SHE'S 20, IS THAT A PROBLEM, NOT TO HER IT WON'T BE. I think that men at that age should really look long and hard into why they think an age difference of 30-40 years would work.