I thought I would take a minute to just thank you for the information you have posted on your Web-site. I used a lot of the information before I traveled to Uzbekistan. My wife has the same name as you. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. She still hasn't made it to the United States yet, but I hope soon. We got married in Tashkent, her home town, on March 7th of this Year. I have no doubt that it is for Life. So again, Thanks for the Honest and Truthful information that is Free on your site.
Barry (USA)
I am a business consultant and designed/wrote our company's web site. Quite honestly I have found your web site to be one of the most detailed, obviously sincere, and worthwhile web sites I have yet to see. Certainly it must be a God-send for men searching for romance and a Russian Bride.
I traveled Russia (Moscow, Kiev, Novosibirsk) in 1990. The learnings about the Russian people are reflected on your web site. The memories of how warm the Russian people are with regard to Americans still leave me smiling...
Donald (USA)