Last week NEW ladies
The Cyberguide for Russian ladies was extremely helpful for me to meet a lovely lady in Moscow. I highly recommend this service. You get responses within a day or two from posting your profile.
I thought I would take a minute to just thank you for the information you have posted on your Web-site. I used a lot of the information before I traveled to Uzbekistan. My wife has the same name as you. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. She still hasn't made it to the United States yet, but I hope soon. We got married in Tashkent, her home town, on March 7th of this Year. I have no doubt that it is for Life. So again, Thanks for the Honest and Truthful information that is Free on your site.
Barry (USA)
Order Form
Russian Visa Invitation "Support Document" Only
An official Russian Visa support or invitation letter supplied by a travel company authorized by the Russian Ministries of Internal and Foreign Affairs must accompany a Russian Visa Application completed in full and sent to the Russian Consulate with all necessary items for processing.
Necessary items for processing a Russian Visa:
- Passport photo
- Your original passport with min. 2 blank visa pages. Amendment Pages do not qualify.
- Completed Russian Visa application downloadable
- Official Russian Visa support or invitation letter
- Money Order payment in the appropriate amount
- Self Addressed Prepaid Envelope (We advise a secured delivery method such as FedEx or DHL)
World Wide Data Link
Questions call 1-602-553-8178, ext 208 between 9am 5pm MST, Monday through Friday.
7227 North 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85020