Last week NEW ladies
Hello Elena! Please remove my ad from your catalogue and inform the other agencies it was sent to that I am no longer "active" (sorry, couldn't think of a better term). I have had many, many responses to it and still receive approximately 2-3 every week but I have decided to end my search for my soulmate. I am presently corresponding with one very special lady from Voronezh. Thank you so much for your services, your translated letter of introduction was an absolute hit with the ladies and my ad has collected responses from a wide variety of beautiful Russian and Ukrainian women.
Mike (Canada)
I just stumbled across your excellent article "Russian Women: Myths and Reality" and I wanted to say Thank You for such an honest and insightful piece of writing! It's so helpful to read an honest and objective opinion. Clearly you have thought about these relationships a lot -- after all you live in one yourself -- and I'm impressed with the clarity of your insight and by the way you very honestly explain all the myths, and do not try to reduce your opinions to simple or easy explanations. Thank you!
Todd (California, USA)

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