I just stumbled across your excellent article "Russian Women: Myths and Reality" and I wanted to say Thank You for such an honest and insightful piece of writing! It's so helpful to read an honest and objective opinion. Clearly you have thought about these relationships a lot -- after all you live in one yourself -- and I'm impressed with the clarity of your insight and by the way you very honestly explain all the myths, and do not try to reduce your opinions to simple or easy explanations. Thank you!
Todd (California, USA)
I have reviewed your website extensively, and must apologize that there are not enough words for me to fully express my appreciation, and respect. Instead, I will employ your services, hoping that this endorsement will one day be a credit to your work.
Terrance (USA)
I just wanted to say thanks for your help with the Starter package and advertisements. I was shocked, but since my ad was published yesterday, I have received 22 replies already...
Eric (USA)
I recommend your web site to anyone looking to meet a Lady from Russia. If they can't meet a Russian Lady through your service they haven't tried.
J. D., USA